
Summary of tenses

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Summary of tenses

Exercises - Summary of tenses

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  • 1) His brother drank drink two glasses of water yesterday.

  • 2) He doesn't don't eat fish for breakfast.

  • 3) You won't have studied doesn't study the English grammar.

  • 4) By Christmas I will ski will be skiing like a professional.

  • 5) They didn't liked like that park.

  • 6) My mother wanted to sit down because she had been standing had stood all day at work.

  • 7) I will send send you the parcel when I get it.

  • 8) Yes, I was had been to the US once before.

  • 9) How long had you been studying German before you moved to Berlin? I hadn't been studying hadn't studied German very long.

  • 10) They had talked had been talking for over an hour before he arrived.