
Future simple

Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and exercises.

Future simple is a verb tense that is used to talk about things that haven't happend yet.


Positive Subject + will / shall + verb (infinitive)
Negative: Subject + will / shall + not + verb (infinitive)
Interrogative: Will / Shall + subject + verb (infinitive)
Keywords: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, later
Will / Shall I sleep?
Will you sleep?
Will he / she / it sleep?
Will / Shall we sleep?
Will you sleep?
Will they sleep?

Exercises - Future simple

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  • 1) Do Will we make dinner?

  • 2) Will you read don't read that book?

  • 3) They don't visit won't visit their parents.

  • 4) We won't knowing know until we get there.

  • 5) You help will help him tomorrow.

  • 6) I will send send you the parcel when I get it.

  • 7) I will be am being back before Friday.

  • 8) My parents will be will go to Africa.

  • 9) It is snowing will snow tomorrow.

  • 10) This girl will buy will be a pilot.